Village of Dalovice

Official Name: Village of Dalovice
Registered Office: Hlavní 99, 36263 Dalovice
Identification Number: 00573213
Taxpayer Id: CZ00573213, non-taxable VAT
Basic Territorial Entity: 537918
Municipal Id: 2458
Status: Municipality
No. of Sections: 3
Cadastral Area: 637 ha
Population as of January 1, 2015:       2011
Local Council LOC: 50°14'57.71"N, 12°53'47,02"E

Reason and method of establishment, the conditions and principles of operation:
Czech National Council Act no. 367/1990 Coll., on Municipalities, became effective as of November 24, 1990, and consequently the municipality was formed as a territorial entity with local government and legal capacity. Effective on November 12, 2000, this act was replaced by Act no. 128/2000 Coll., on Municipalities, as amended.

The Village of Dalovice has a longer history, indeed. Refer to History in Brief for more information.

The municipality has a status of corporate entity, and it may act in its name and on its behalf in legal proceedings and transactions assuming the responsibility arising therefrom. The municipality owns the assets and financial resources which it manages alone on the conditions specified by the specific law.

The municipality may administer its affairs independently (hereinafter the powers). The state may interfere in the municipal affairs solely and exclusively by law.

To exercise the powers, the municipality observes the law and the generally binding legal regulations issued by the central authorities in this respect.

The self-governing municipality ensures the economic, social and cultural development within the territorial unit as well as information supply, and the environmental protection and planning, excluding such actions of public administration conferred on any other authorities by the specific law.

Furthermore, the municipality exercises the administration in the scope set forth in the specific law (hereinafter the delegated powers).

To exercise the delegated powers, the municipality observes the law and the generally binding legal regulations and within the limits thereof, the governmental resolutions and directives of the central state administration bodies.